Sunday, April 08, 2007

Our International Understanding day was a success! yeay! x) yup everything went well.performance, the food. but not many turned up la. tsk.tsk. anyways,the catwalk thingy was so damn cute! haha. with all the shake your tail dance. haha.

oh but guess wat! erghh. I came in the morning took my chicken and chicks outta the car and the bouquets and coarsages as well... told one the probationers to carry the flowers to the hall. everything went smoooth.. till I realized that I lost the coarsages!! I mean like, why would anyone wanna steal coarsages?!!! i know they're pretty and alll. but why??! and of all days.. they picked today! im pretty sure i didnt leave it or misplaced it anywhere!! honestly! sheesh. that was ok la. fine. I lost the coarsages... then...

my i.u shirt (which I paid with my own money! *looks all proud*) haha. yea. went missing too. well, actually some other interactor terambil.Ashley! i dont care if she reads my blog. im really pissed!eeyeer. and i keep telling everyone. its either she can't read or she's just dumb! My name was pasted there . on the shirt! boleh lagi tersilap ambil baju! eeh BODOH!! muka je lawa! erghh. then after realising it wasn't hers,she changed and returned the shirt to me, leaving her SMELLY SWEAT all over it. there was like a big huge splash of sweat on the armpit part! erghhh. haha then I kept flinging my shirt at amir and razzreen for laughing at me! haha. In your face. ohyea, sandy's shirt was missing too. but she found it. lucky her, there were no sweats all over it. stupid ashley!

moving on. ooh! oooh! we had like an animal display alll after the event. and they loved my anak ayam! hehe. so it was worth bringing them. but my chicken was abandoned.left alone in the cage.. no one dared to go near the chicken cos the cage was full of pooppiess! xD oh well.

I kinda stole this pic from shivani's blog. heehee

dat's about it. my last I.U. *sobs* and i dont even have pics! =(

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