Monday, December 29, 2008

Semester One

wow. It still gives me the fright that i'm actually studying in college now.
no more highschool yo! dah satu sem habis
takde angin takde ribut. habis diploma.
it's so scarry how time passes by so fasst.

and how much great memories and well burden you experience.
let's talk bout that shall we? heeee.

so yes, semester one in UiTM Malacca has taught me a lot!!
like totally. seriously!
from my friends to my roomates to my classmates to my course mates to my
high school taught me just the basics. hah. wtf?
so yes.
try messing with me now and shall I say must you live a crappy life.ngeh.
but seriously.
People can be really really mean.
As nice as they are.. they're just still fucking mean!
like a bunch of people I know lah.
as a bunch, they're assholes.
as individuals, damn it. they're still assholes.
and oh. note to self:
choose a reliable, responsible group member!
except my ecah Pilus tho. you rockk! heee.
even your classmates can turn their backsides on yah.sigh.
heh. everyone had issues and so did we.
because of a bunch of people.drama landed.
but nothing can tear us apart.
Farah.hun.alyaa.atul kan?

But semester one wasn't all hell and crap.
I experienced some good, memorable things.
The overload of overnights we had.
The awesome people I met.
my roomies.My one and only bitch Adrie.Fab 8.hahaha
and WHO would ever thought that Int.Aishah Pilus and I would be this tight yo!
oh. she and I go wayyy backkk.
and yes.yes. Sri Amanians and Assuntarians do get along!
come to uitm make peace.heee

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